Admin activity audit logs
Admin activity audit logs

admin activity audit logs

To connect to standalone Exchange Online Protection PowerShell see Connect to Exchange Online Protection PowerShell. To connect to Exchange Online PowerShell, see Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell. To open the Exchange admin center (EAC), see Exchange admin center in Exchange Online. What do you need to know before you begin? When an entry is older than 90 days, it's deleted. Audit log entries are kept for 90 days.If a change doesn't appear in the admin audit log, wait a few minutes and run the search again. When a change is made in your organization, it may take up to 15 minutes to appear in audit log search results.The admin audit log doesn't record actions based on cmdlets that begins with the verbs Get, Search, or Test.Admin auditing logging is enabled by default, and you can't disable it.Entries in the admin audit log provide you with information about what cmdlet was run, which parameters were used, who ran the cmdlet, and what objects were affected. The admin audit log records specific actions, based on Exchange Online PowerShell or standalone Exchange Online Protection PowerShell cmdlets, done by admins and users who have been assigned administrative privileges. In Exchange Online organizations or standalone Exchange Online Protection (EOP) organizations without Exchange Online mailboxes, you can use the Exchange admin center (EAC) or PowerShell to search for and view entries in the admin audit log. For more information, see Deprecation of the classic Exchange admin center in WW service and Search the audit log in the compliance portal. We recommend that you search the audit log in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal. Classic Exchange admin center is in the process of being deprecated in worldwide deployment.

Admin activity audit logs